Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ye Ye Dah Nak Raya!!!

I have a bad behaviour/attitude. I may dislike anyone or strangers by looking at the first sight. Once I dislike, I may have no mood to talk or even smile to that person. Kalau senyum pun mungkin tidak ikhlas. Heh. I am that bad. I tried to change, but the perasaan menyampah is too strong and I cant help it. Eleh, macam the victim pun heran!

Raya is getting closer. And I'm suffering of finishing all my recons before I leave. To be worst, this month ada 4 people will resign and no replacement yet. So we (the team) have to backup. Sangat menyampah dan sakit hati. Lebih2 lagi when the person who is going to resign selalu MC plus doesnt have mood to do the OJT. Saja nak buat lambat2. WTF! Like I have nothing to do other than OJT with that person pulak. Subhanallah. Sabarkanlah hati.

Last Monday,

Pendaftar Nikah: Question 1 - Ok
Question 2 - Ok
Question 3 - Sebutkan rukun2 nikah.
Me: 1-Wali. 2-....
Pendaftar Nikah: Ikut turutan.
Me: Errr..Err...1- Pengantin Perempuan?
Pendaftar Nikah: Salah. Lelaki.
Me: Perempuan. Ijab Kabul.
Pendafatar Nikah: Salah. Lelaki, Perempuan, Wali, Saksi, Akad. Ulang balik.

Tettt. Padan muka. Lain rukun yang saya baca, lain pulak yang ditanya. Nasib baik interview lulus. huhu. But anyway, I'm ready to get married now. The application is approved and the Kadi has been booked. So it's confirmed that my nikah will be on 21 November, after Maghrib. Ok, I'm nervous already.

Last week conversation with Mama,

Mama: Mama kasi bibik set bilik tidur and L-shape sofa kat rumah lama yang awak tak nak tu.
Me: Ok. Bagi jela. Sedekah. Daripada berabuk, terbiar kat sana.
Mama: Guess what. Bibik is so happy. Her husband cakap sofa mahal ni, nanti balik Jakarta boleh bawak balik.
Me: Huh? Sofa buruk tu Bibik nak bawak balik? (Huuu. Nak nangis dengar.)

Aku tak nak! Bibik bersyukur gila. Heh. Jadi aku memang tak tahu nak bersyukur! Tapi fikir2 balik, at least, raya tahun ni, rumah bibik dah ada sofa. Ngeee.


wawa said...

e eh tok kadi siap tanye soalan seblom bleh approve the nikah application? naseb mase aku takde, kalau tak aku pun kantoi jugak! ;b

yuls dear, have a blissful hari raya..! this is ur last raya as a single woman, so rock it to the max XD

Unknown said...

waah dah lulus..grats yuls! oh and selamat hari raye maaf zahir batin!

~ said...

wawa: Johor mmg suke kasi procedures pelik2. tensen i. nsb baik die tak suruh balik. huhu

Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin :) kalo buat open house jemputlah aku hehe;p

E: Maseh2. Selamat Hari Raya gak Ezat. Balik KL bwk balik murtabak lagi eh eh.;p

Unknown said...

iA kalo sempat aku wat blk lg murtabak tu


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