Monday, October 19, 2009


Last night, while Pijoi was driving on a highway and me was trying not to sleep, teman Pijoi driving,

Me: Awak, saya rindulah nak ada good housemates macam kat Penang, Christchurch,etc.
I dont have any since moved to KL.
Pijoi: Ala, kejap lagi awak ada saya. Lagi best.
Me: Ceh. Itu lain.
Pijoi: Dah lah tu, tak payah nak berangan. Awak dah nak kahwin. Sayalah housemate awak nanti.

Ya, my single life will be ended very soon. Only left a month to go. It is so weird that I feel scared every single day nowadays, but the thing is I dont know what am I scared about. *sigh* Is it normal? No?


Unknown said...

its normal to be scared or panic... But soon u'll realize that it'll all be ok cuz u'll be spending ur life with ur loved ones i.e ur prince berkuda,ur soulmate which is also ur friend...u just have to believe tht u can totally do this. It wont be as scary cuz u have each other.

the seasonal blogger said...


asal aku sedih pas bace.. hehe.. takpelah yuli, uni days mmg best. (i too, miss hving u ard. kite share divider mase sidai towel dulu)

x aci nak dibandingkan time blajar dgn wktu akan dtg. okey, jgn takut2. he'll be by ur side ;p

Serr said...

em, i read somewhere that what we really fear is the fear of change. going into unknown territory. macam kes kau kot? hehe. hopefully your unknown territory will soon be a wonderful one kan.

lagipun, dengan tiadanya housemates best makes us cherish housemates rock yang dulu-dulu. kan kan?

go yuli go! hehe


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