Friday, December 2, 2011

Of weaning off and the BF journey

I never jot down my breastfeeding journey. In fact, now I’m already starting to wean off my baby. My mom keeps on asking, when I’m going to stop bf-ing? Well, I’m not sure yet. Frankly, Aidan and I are yet ready to be fully weaning off. Haha. But, I do understand her concerns lah. She said, nanti makin besar, makin susah nak stop. Betullah tu. Tapi… Ahh. Easier said than do. The longer you bf the baby, the more attach you will feel. What I do know is the feeling and bonding that are built through bf-ing is the most wonderful moment that I ever had. It’s hard for me to let it go.

So readers, let me share with you the-not-so-interesting journey that I have.

Since I got pregnant, I have this strong determination to bf my baby no matter what. I know mummy’s milk is the best milk for the baby so of course I want the best for my baby too. As my mom did not bf us previously, I depended on reading materials and mummy’s experiences to know everything on bf-ing.

The early day of bf-ing was a super bad nightmare. Due to inexperience and lack of skills, I did not sure what is the right position to bf my baby until I had sore nipple. Super sakit, I tell you. Every time, I nursed the baby, surely I cried. Until one day, the baby muntah susu campur darah. Then, only I knew that the nipple got worst and I stopped direct feeding him. I gave him EBM instead. Oh, if you wonder what is the best medicine? Minyak Gamat. It is safe for baby and works wonders!

After a month of fully bf-ing, suddenly, the baby demanded for more. It seemed like the milk was not enough for him. I was super sad. I always wonder why the milk was not enough for him. People surround me, kept on pressuring me by saying that my milk production is low so I am not destined to bf my baby. So sad ok. Since then, I started to feed him the formula, once a day. No more exclusively bf.

Few months later, after a lot of reading on bf-ing, only I knew that breast milk is actually depends on demand & supply. Lagi banyak demand, lagi banyaklah susu. Then, it answers my question above. Afterall, at the first 3 months, the baby's growth is at the peak. So, the demand will increase tremendously each month. That's why he demanded more when he was a month older. As simple as that. Heh.

Another difficulty that I faced was during the Year End closing. I was super busy at that time and surprisingly, stress causes low production. I tried to eat fenugreek to increase the production but failed. Instead, badan dah bau macam kari. Haha. So I stopped. What did I do? Since I believed that milk production is based on supply and demand, whenever he did not bf-ing, I will pump. Memang menyedihkan tengok the milk was not even 1oz when pumping. But, in 3 days, the production back to normal. It was easy than expected.

Times when the baby teething was horrible too. He loves to bite me. Macam nak luka ok. Sakit gile. Sigh. But what to do. Tahan sajalah and of course there were a lot of drama (kena marah & sedih) between me and baby. Haha.

Beware Mama. I'll bite u! ;p

So, that is my journey. It's already 16 months and I still haven’t stop yet. I’m sure, one day, when both of us are ready and agreed, then that’s it. Whatever it is, I’m really thankful for the bestest gift that I ever had. Thank you Allah.

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