Friday, September 14, 2012

His first super bad tantrum

Aidan just threw his tantrum, the worst one that I have ever encountered, just now. It happened when he wanted to follow his Abah to work after lunch. He was crying loudly, non stop for almost 15mins with some actions of protest.

At the beginning, when Abah left, he was crying until he vomited a bit in front of the door. Okay. Fine. I was okay with it, hoping that he will stop crying after that. That is what usually happened. Unfortunately not for this time. He continued to cry while hitting his hand at the door. That is menguji kesabaran saya sedikit. So I hold him inside. He still crying and shouting "Abah..Abah" sambil baring dan pukul lantai using his hands pulak. So I just sit on the sofa and ignore him. Then, he suddenly got up and walked to the door again, pukul pintu, shouting, still crying loudly, ambil alas kaki dan cuba pukul pintu guna alas kaki. I asked him to put it down but he refused. To show his protest, he tried to throw the door mat to me. Ok. That is not acceptable! Seriously I got mad and put him at the corner for punishment. Time out for 5 mins. Luckily, he stand still at the corner though still crying loudly. I know he scared. He didnt even dare to look at me. Oh man, I feel like crying too when I saw that. I restraint myself to pujuk nor hold him tightly for a while. I just want him to know that he is not right so he got punished. But deep inside my heart, I want to cry with him. Ya Allah, dugaan betul to deal with this kind of tantrum.

After 5 mins, when his crying getting slower, I called him. Then, he continued crying again while coming towards me. He said "Sowi" dan salam my hands. Sumpah I almost cry that time. We were holding each other tightly for a while before I whispered to him not to do it again. Then, he asked for susu and sleep. Safe and sound. Phewww..

What a day!

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