Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to raise a child?

I always wonder what is the best way to raise a child? I always keep on asking myself, is this right? Is this good?

Aidan is in the midst of duplicating whatever that he likes. I noticed it during hari raya break when we were at kampung. He likes to duplicate whatever his big cousin do. When his big cousin jumped, he would jump. When big cousin spit, he would spit too. He even talked a lot more new vocabs like "Jom", "Adam", "Dirty" and etc during the week. Thus, I can foresee the peer pressure when we send him to school next year. Sangat mendebarkan.

His big cousin and the brother always threw tantrum during the week sampai saya rasa kesian with SIL and the husband. Like seriously. When I looked how toddlers can be when they were throwing tantrum, saya terus bersyukur dan rasa Aidan is a very good boy. Bukan nak puji (walaupun puji sikit) tapi Aidan memang jarang mengamuk. Kalau menangis pun kejap je. Kalau dia marah pun, tak ada sampai guling-guling hentak kaki atas lantai. For the time being tak pernah terjadi. Alhamdulillah. Sebab tu saya terfikir, kenapa some toddlers suka mengamuk? What went wrong? Apa cara yang terbaik? Apa yang betul? Am I doing the right one?

Some people said, ikut kata hati. Tapi kalau kata hati salah macamana? Kalau tersalah, susah nak patah balik atau mungkin tak dapat nak patah balik terus. Hah. That is the scariest thought that I ever had.

Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin. :)


the seasonal blogger said...

ngaaa.. berdebar jgk nak besarkan budak. fuh fuh fuh. aidan mmg good boy. kalau aku tanye ko camne ko besarkan dia, ape nasihat ko? kena rajin berborak dgn dia secara bijak ke. as in tak belittle kan dia ke

~ said...

Hahaha huda. aku pon tak tau uda. Kalau cakap2 pun bukan dia paham sangat. Tapi budak2 ni kene cukup kasih sayang kot. huhu. Sumpah yg ni aku tak reti.


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