Friday, July 31, 2009

Beautifully imperfect - Tribute to Yasmin Ahmad

I never knew that most of the Petronas advertisements for Merdeka, Hari Raya, etc are produced by Yasmin Ahmad, until this morning when Ally did mention in MHI. I love all her adverstisement, I must say and all are a very good, quality one, I must reckon. All the messages in the advert are well delivered, the emotions, feeling, can be easily felt dan saya selalu menangis untuk iklan2 beliau. Kalau bukan sedih, mungkin terharu. Especially those Merdeka's adverts, memandangkan saya ada sedikit berjiwa patriotik dan jiwa yang sayangkan negara.

I havent watched all her films but I did watch some. Sepet, Mukhsin, etc yang I barely can remember the title. Even though I dont really like some unexplainable scenes in her film, while some a bit dragging, tapi there are a lot of messages in there for sure. I understand that she would like to change the way Malaysian's thinking but we still berpegang pada adat ketimuran dan agama, do we? Well, it is me yang sedikit conservative. But afterall, I do like her products. And the well delivered messages yang lebih penting.

Let me share one of her advertisements that I like. Enjoy!!

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