Friday, January 13, 2012

Tua Setahun Lagi.

10 Januari hari lahir saya. Alhamdulillah. Masih dapat celebrate with the loved ones;)

A poem from hubby really made my day. It's been 4 years since the last one. Thank you sayang:)

My dear wifee,

Let's be reminded how much we love each other

Let's have more kids and raise them together

Let's be young and stupid, and grow old together ...

Let's sleep at night and dream of each other

Let's make mistake and learn from it together

Let's make decision and live with it together

Let's sing to a song and make fun of each other

Let's make more money and enjoy it together

Let's face the world and fight for each other.

Can't imagine my life with you no longer

Only with you, and not any other

When the sun goes down all that I ever wonder

Will you be with me till forever

Not just here but till the hereafter

Till then I’m just here to say that I’m sincere

To chant you a “Happy Birthday Dear”

And let's count many more in the future.

p/s: I don't want to watch Hindustan together and please don't just play Plant VS Zombie sajer.

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