Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Saya bosan. Bosan dengan rutin harian akhir-akhir ini. I feel like I've been doing the same, boring routine every single day for ages. Like early morning, bangun, masak, kemas rumah, hantar Aidan, pergi kerja (buat benda sama/similar for the past 5 years), balik kerja, masak, lepak kejap, tidur. Itulah hidup seindah biasa saya. Maka saya bosan. 

We've been talking to migrate these few months but not much actions taken. But thinking of the new life, new environment, new job, and new place, somehow makes us excited much. Only if applying jobs abroad and migrating are easy, that would be great. Moga Allah izinkan dan permudahkan. 

"But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day." The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks

Don't you love those words from Nicholas Sparks? Well being married for few years, sometimes I tend to forget to appreciate on little things that he did, I dont really say sorry coz I thought that was just one small incident, or maybe I was too busy with the commitments and responsibilities that I have. But then, only I realized that marriage is not just responsibilities, respect, and devotion. It's the union of two love. So that it requires both souls to fall in love again and again.

Afterall, we are human. Tak pernah lari dari buat salah. Kalau salah jangan takut. Masih ada ruang untuk dibaiki. At least I'm lucky coz hubby and me talk on every single thing, either big or small. With that at least we know where has gone wrong. I pray that the love that we build diredhai Allah sentiasa.

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