Monday, August 18, 2008

Gloomy, Moody!

One Nation Emcees won usd$100 000. Maka berkahirlah sudah Gang Starz II. Tp sy sukekan ONE sbb mereka sgt2 kretip dr segi arragement lagu dan chereography. Ape yg sy lebey suke mereka bijak memberi nafas baru kpd lagu lama sehingga digelar sbg "hip yea yea" (kate fafau) or "hip pop" (kate sheikh haikal). Walaupon sy tidak lgsg memvote mereka sbb sms voting telah naik harga juga ye drpd 50sen kpd 65sen *sggh waddehel* Rege minyak pon dh turun hokay!! hahhaa sy skang bernada kedekut memandangkan baki akaun sy semakin hari semakin sedikit w/pn baru sj gaji *tidakkk!!!* Kate kwn sy, keje tiap2 ari pon xkaye. I agree!!

Harini Penang cuti, tp Intel xamik plak *sigh* Maka arini bertambah2 laa tidak ade moodnye nk keje sbb ramai colleague sy dpt cuti half day utk mengundi. Tapi sy?? Jgn kate nk mengundi, register pon xlg. Maka sggh obvious utk amik half day juge. Ditambah pule sy org Johor ye. Maka masih di opis juge menyiapkan keje tanpa rela.

Mood sy kurg baik sejak ari Ahad itu. Walaupon Jumaat dan Sabtu sy terover hepi. Knapekah? Sbb Ahad itu sy kene pulang seawal jam 9pg ye. Sume ini disebabkan xde tiket sudey. Bdk Uni nk balik Uni, bdk skolah juge nk balik skola. Maka dlm bus penuh saje ngn mereka ini. Jadinye sy sgt sedey kene balik awal!! *sobss..sobsss* Now I'm certain that I will move to KL by early nxt year. Moga2 Allah murahkan rezeki sy. Amin...

Blogger kegemaran sy mengapdet her foodie blog. Sejak berkahwin, die rajin memasak. Begitu juge her Husband who likes to make breakfast and some nice, tasty dishes *i guess* but she confirmed it is at least! Dgn hati sy yg masih berada di KL, make sy menjadi tidak sabar2 mahu tinggal di KL. So dat I can cook AGAIN dan menjamu mereka2 makan. Sy sgt suke memasak dan melihat org makan masakan sy especially mereka yg sy syg;) Sy yakin sedap walaupon sy rs xsedap sbnrnye;p Cant wait! Cant wait!!

My housemate fwded me a fengshui tool to predict my future. Tibe2 teringat kat adek Boh yg xabes2 sibuk pasal fengshui die walaupon br sj menjejakkan kaki di chch;p
But this one seems interesting sbb the prediction is nice and something that i look fwd too.
So here's the prediction:

"You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the one you love. You try to enjoy your life to the maximum and your lovelife is soon to blosoom. The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected. You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it. You like adventure. You are spontaneous and like to please people."

Hujan lebat di luar. Sy baru perasan. Patutlah agak sejuk.

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