Thursday, September 18, 2008


Yesterday, we had Q3 birthday celebration dinner at Manhattan Fish Market. Well, I was quite excited at first since that was my 1st time, frankly speaking. I imagined that the main dishes, mean the seafoods must be superb and nice and tasty and fresh. Plus the desert must be really yummy licious. It is so typical mind thought when you think of a-quite-glamour restaurant, don't ya?

Around 7.10pm, I arrived already with my noisy stomach and I saw all my colleagues were busy talking and chatting and laughing. But I didnt see any dishes yet, well at least drinks or appetizers should be there. Ok nvm, maybe the food was waiting for me. But when it came to 7.30 and the food were yet to come, I was quite unhappy. I was sooooo hungry and no food yet. Thus I concluded the service was bad and it is so true since till the end, the food came very late and slow. The waiters also like so-wateva. Adeke diorg bole biarkan meja kitorg messy with hundreds of plate (well, a bit exaggerating) tp xkire. Mmg messy pon. Bygkan laa dr pinggan appetizers smapai main dishes sume atas meja xdiamik. So ntah pape laa kan. Dh laa service charge is 15%. If I am a US ppl, I wont give any tips at all with this kind of services.

Let's comment on the foods. I can say that the food is hmmm..all that I was imagined is just an imagination. I think the best dish I ate yesterday was the mussles with garlic sauce. Other than that, all are not tasty. Seafoods yg tak fresh merosakkan sumenye. Tapi sy kenyang laa juge cume at the end tu sy rs nk muntah dh. Then, they provided us with Tiramisu as the dessert. Well, the dessert was yummy kate kwn2 ku yg len. But for me, sy buat lg sodap ye. Sy rs butter dlm tiramisu tu. Jadinye sgtla tak sedap. Cream cheese and butter sgt tak masuk utk tiramisu. Atau, mungkin tekak sy dh sgt muak dh ngn main dishes yg sblm tu. Anyways, sy bersyukur laa jugak mkn kat sini walaupon xsedap sbb free ye. Tp nasib bek free kalo tak I wud be soooo disappointed and upset and unhappy dgn dinner smlm sbb xsedap dan agak mahal. Fuuuhh, naseb bek!

Sy telah mengkondem Manhattan Fish nampaknye. Tp mgkn Manhattan Fish kat tpt len sodap kot. Kat Qbay je xsodap;p Teringat plak seafood kt gerai pkck di Queenstown. Sempoi gile gerai kecik tu tp seafoods die. Fuhhh..xyah cite. Ok sy rindu nk mkn seafood kt Queenstown now.

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