Friday, November 28, 2008


Uda menulis sesuatu yg menarik ttg kekejaman yg semakin hari semakin menjadi skarang ni. Jadinye sy pon gatal ingin menambah 1 cite yg sy rs mmg agak melampau.

Kes ni baru sj terjadi 2-3 ari lepas di Ampang di mana seorang lelaki dlm lingkungan 20-30an (correct me if I'm wrong) mati dibunuh dgn kejam selepas dirompak dan diliwat. Mase polis tiba di tpt kejadian, mangsa dlm keadaan nazak dan nyawa2 ikan dan kemudian meninggal di tpt kejadian. Apelah nak jadi dgn rakyat Msia skarang ni. Semakin menjadi2. Tapi, theoritically mmg btoi, when economy is in recession, ppl is jobless, money is hard to earn, living cost will never drop and violence will extremely increase without guilty. Penah tak watch movie DEATH RACE. A movie directed by Paul Anderson about the most terrible recession in America which resulted some private corporations run most prisons across the nation for profit. One of the jail called Terminal Island Prison, broadcast a real 'Death Race' where the contestant are the prisoners. It's not only a race but it's the determination of your death. Mau tahu dgn lanjut? Baca sendiri di sini. Tp siesly cite ni sgt kejam smpai aku sakit jantung duk dlm wayang tu. Berdebar sepjg mase dan sgt mengerikan ye cara mereka mati during the race. Kalo xkuat semangat, tok sah tgk.

Itu saje yg ingin sy bebelkan. Sekian. Have a nice weekend. Dan Selamat Pengantin Baru kpd mereka yg akan kawen wiken ni.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


It's confirm. Everything is confirm!

Last day would be on the 23rd Jan. My last day as an INTEL-er. Suprisingly, I feel a bit overwhelmed and sad. It's not that I'm not interested to be a Damansara-Wood but all bcoz I love my job, I like to be an Intel-er, I have a good pay (well, for me, with the workloads that I have, it's really a good pay). Just that, I'm not belong to Penang and I love you more, Enchek Pijoi. So I leave all that I am comfortable with behind. Actly, I'm quite scared to get into a new company. Adapting to a new company is not as easy as adapting to a new school or to a new university. When your performance, personality, and career development do matters, you wont take it so easy. In fact, my 1st few months experience at Intel, make me more scared. Just hoping that everything will be ok.

Maka, ingatlah kate2 Esah;

Cross the bridge when you come to it

atau menyanyilah lagu JLo;

Dont be afraid, Dont be afraid
This is your day!

Let's talk about another story which is sy kuat jeles. Ya, sy mmg kuat cemburu. And not just recently, ever since Enchek Pijoi has a kekasih gelap, I always get jeles with her. Pijoi always treats her nicely (mcm aku x?hihi but he more concerns on his kekasih gelap). She got a lot of expensive accessories every mths dan aku tiada ape2. And the most recent one, she got the eyeshadows yg aku juga tiada. TAK ACI!!! But how come a fiancee kalah wif a kekasih gelap??

Kekasih gelap Pijoi.
Heh. Dh mcm taik cicak aku tgk HAHA

Awak! ME or HER?! Go figure *ngeee*

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I just finished the whole 13 audit schedules in these 2 days. So I need a short break. My brain is like jammed with those small figures and details.

Well, I'm going back to JB this weekend but I'm not looking forward tho bcoz I know most of the time, I will be alone at home. Mama and Adik are not around. Mereka sudah selamat di Jakarta mlm td. Besnyeee. Cant wait to join them. Anyways, it is not that saye terpaksa balik sbb kawan sy kawin but thinking of I will be alone at most of the time, sy rs tak bes. Enchek Pijoi xmahu pulang ke JB. Die mahu pulang ke Tepeng dan mereka akan berjimba di Pangkor. Sedeyy kene tinggal. Tak mengapalah. Lgpn, sy tak penah pegi mane2 wedding kwn sy lg. Ni 1st time. Maka, biarlah ini jd permulaan bg memotivate diri sy juge. Moga2 sy lebey excited utk my own wedding preparation. Sbnrnye dr dulu dh excited, saje je kasi alasan. HAHA

Td mintak gamba2 kat Alianess. Gamba kami berjimba di KL atau lebey specific kat OU saje. Tu pon cm xlarat2 dh coz mlm tu smpai KL lmbt then awal2 pg dh bgn sbb test started at 9am.

Comel kan pumpkin tu. Kiut gile. Rase nk curik je satu *hihi* Haloween at OU. My 1st day out wif Alia. Muke serabai. Tudung pon serabai. Dah weng seharian interview. Bile balik baru sedar, aku pakai tudung tebalik rupenye. Nasib baik tak obvious. That was my 1st FTF job interview dan aku memakai tudung terbalik *heh*

Second time hang out ngn Alia still kat OU. Tu pon xlarat2 dh. Sekejap je jln trus nak balik sbb super mengantuk. Biase laa I kan bile kenyang *hihi* That day kitorg mkn kat BBQ chicken. But I think, BBQ chicken at Gurney is way better than at OU. Tak pon mase tu, sy masih weng. Jdnye mkn pon xlalu.

Starter menu : Gamba bedua;p

Org sekeliling selalu menjadi mangsa. Kali ni akak waitress HAHA

SKEMA! Tp sy suke combination warna ni. Light purple and Striking Pink. Nice but too daring for a wedding theme, I guess.

Itu saje. The END.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Korg penah tgk tak rancangan Gadis Melayu at TV9? Kalo tak, dinasihatkan TAK PAYAH tgk *haha* Well, dgn tak disengajakan mlm td sy tertgklah rancangan ni. But I heard about this kind of reality show a month ago. So nak laa tau jugak kan kan ape yg bes sgt rancangan ni. Basically, rancangan ni konon2nye nk tunjukkan yg Msia ni has lotsa gadis melayu berkebolehan, lemah lembut, pilihan hati mak2 mentua, dsb. Cun n comel adelah wajib (seperti biase). And the task for last nite was etiquette and table manners. Lawak jugak laa bile tgk diorg mkn kekok gile. Yelaa dh name pon gadis melayu, manelaa reti table manners using fork and spoon kan. Kalo gadis western, bole laa. Task pon ntah pape. Cmnila org Msia buat bisnes. Buat rancangan ntah pape. But what makes me dissappointed with all these reality shows are those super young contestants. Some of the gadis' are as young as 20 years old. Me at 20 years old, was still so childish and my life stucked with those boring text books. Well, I know I cant compare myself with them. I'm an ordinary,conservative girl. Tp sy kecewa. Paling mengecewakan when got this one girl age around 12 years old, was crying crazily during the LG Superstar Audition as she was rejected due to her age. See, bad influence. Bdk kecik pon malas blaja and nak jd penyanyi je. Apekah??

Another sadis story for today is I went to the cafe and had my lunch alone. Sadis wooooo. Rase loser gile bile mkn sorg. But I've tried before having my lunch alone at Giant. That day I blame myself to be that super duper loser *haha* Well actly, today, I got meeting with Taiwan Auditor during my lunch hour. I tell you haa, the most super gelabah ppl in the world is Taiwanese. Series wa ckp sama lu. The small issue seems like the biggest issues that they ever encountered in life where all need to be settled by now like world will end in 4 minutes *waddehel* So I tell you, dont go for Taiwananese company unless you have no tomorrow word in your dictionary as well. But afterall, I enjoy working in MNC company. You'll find lotsa funny, weird, culture in between. So go for MNC;p

Ok time's up. Stop reading and do your work! This lady also need to work;p

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Bukan Nash Donut,
Tak mo Dunkin DOnut,
Big Apple?? No-No,
JCo Donut juge bukan..

Boleh tak tetibe mengidam nak mkn donut yg aku slalu buat dolu2. Kalolah ade breadmaker, mlm ni gak aku buat. *Tskkk..issskkk* Nak donut!!! Just my simple-not-so-soft donut :(
Donut Donut Donut Doonnnuuuttt Doonutz Donutttzzzzz Donnzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Row, row, row your Boat..

Offered & Accepeted;D
I have another 2 months and off me go!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Buletin Utama

Mlm td sempat juga tgk Buletin Utama. Sblum2 ni bukan tak sempat tp mls je *teheee* Well, ade beberapa news yg sy nk point out kat sini. Some good news I would say.

  1. Minyak turun lg by 15 sen. So skang ni minyak tggl RM2.00 saje. Menarik. Nasib baik tak isi minyak lagi dr mggu lps. Tak rugi.
  2. Tol jugak turun 10% which is good laa kan. Tp yg tak good nye is it is applicable from 12am to 7am. Apekah??
  3. Obama is the man. Gitmo Kem will be closed and all the so-called 'terrorists' will be sent back home shortly. Askar Amerika di Iraq juge akan di panggil balik. Menarik bukan. Barulah dinamakan penjaga hak asasi manusia sejagat. Some of Americans are not so agreed with this decision. But I believe Obama will change everything. Let's see what else this ex-harvad law student can do more for us.

Talking about lawyer, I chose lawyer as my ambition once back in 90's. Ahaks. But I know that I was not born to be a lawyer. Why?

  1. I dont like to read fact books. In fact I am not a bookworm.
  2. I have a short term memory lost. So not practical to be a law student.
  3. I 'm not good in writing or talking nice words. In fact I'm so lowsy.
  4. I even failed my company law course *sggh sahih reason ni*
  5. One of my ehem ehem ex-es is a lawyer. Luckily I'm not *erk xde kaitan kot;p*

But honestly, I adore those wise and smart lawyers who know how to say their words. And I'm deeply in love with an auditor instead;p

Wednesday, November 12, 2008



Manjakah sy? Jgnlah pelik sgt dgn soalan I ni. Ianya cume sekadar pertanyaan yg jujur drpd pemilik diri. Bukan buang tebiat ye *heh*

Ptg td, semasa sy tgh menunggu nasi goreng kampung die gerai sebelah, sempatlah sy beramah mesra dgn akak laksa seperti biase. Dh lame sy tak berbual dgnnya. Almaklum sajalah, sy malas nk berjalan ke sane. Nak dijadikan ice-breaker utk ptg ini, akak laksa tanye kat sy, "Liana ni anak bongsu ke? Nampak manja je." Mendengarkan pertanyaan itu, hati berbunga2 seketika. Hidung dh kembang kuncup 10 kali dh. Yela org puji manja la kan *hihi malu i* Tapi, itulah yg sy pelikkan. Sy rs sy ni dh cukup independent, cume mungkin kurg tegas berbanding along2 yg ade sekalian. tau mgkn juge kemanjaan sy ini mmg terserlah, nak buat gano *ecehhhh* Tapi xmengapalah, sy anggap saje itu satu pujian yg ikhlas dr akak laksa. Sy mmg suke dimanja dan memanjakan. Asalkan sy tau manja sy ni bertempat, tidak kisahlah*ngeee*

Cerita belum abes ye tuan puan. Sambung balik.

Kemudian, akak laksa tanye lagi, "mak tak kesah pulak ek, kasi Liana duk Penang sorg2. Jauh tu dr Johor. Kalo akak, sedih jugak laa anak2 jauh." Jwpn sy ringkas, "alaaa..mak tak kesah. Dh biase dh pon. Dr kecik tak duk umah." Kemudian, teringat pulak kate2 mama ketika itu. Mama kate," apelah yg nak disedehkan anak duk jauh. Bukan die nak pegi perang pon. Die nak pegi blaja." Itu kate2 mama ketika sy masih belajar dulu2 dan bile die dpt tau kwnnye melalak seharian sbb anak die nk kene pegi India amik medic. Bile dgr kate2 mama sy hampir2 tergelak. Betoi jugak. Bukannye tak balik pon. Pegi blaja aje *hihi* Itulah ibuku. Sungguh macho ye;p Tapi sy kate balik kat mama slps itu. "Eleh ye ye je mama ni, kalo anta ayah kat epot, melalak bukan mennn, siap peluk cium kalo boleh tak mo lepas smpai sume org duk tgk. Tak sedey konon. Ayah pon bukannye pegi perang." Mama jwb, "alaaa ayah lennn laa. Mama puluh tahun hidup ngn die tak penah pisah. Tup2 kene plak duk jauh. Mestilah sedey" D'uuhhhh iyolah mamaku. Alasan je tu *ngeeee*

Gua mau resign!!

Sile bace surat resign gua. Lu bole adjust kalo grammar gua salah.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sleeping Disorder


Do you know how to properly shut down your mind when you are sleeping?
I really have a serious problem here. These 2 days were simply the worst sleep I ever had. I had a bad dream. Well it was not a seram-killer kind of mimpi but it was a normal-stupid mimpi that led me feel very tired and pening whenever I woke up in the morning. Having a dream every night is normal for me but when it comes to a tiring mimpi 2 days in a row, sy tidak suke! Dh laa skang ni I never take a nap during day time except for weekends and I can only sleep 6-7 hours a day, lepas tu sure gua terjaga punye. So bile having this kind of bad-tiring dreams really make me sick. I once had asked doctor about this but that time I was really in the midst of stress period since I had a 'problem' with my previous mgr. But now, I have no stress or cud it be because of this coming IQ test? If yes, I'm a freaky weird girl then *hoho* Apepon, bebesar hati jika kawan2 dpt mengajar sy mengshutting down minda sy drpd trus aktif semasa tido. Trimass.

Yesterday, Pijoi told me that he got a love note attached at his wiper. It says,
"Why so serious???" -from: Batman-

Hahaha so cute laa lu Batman;p I want 1 pliss!

P/s: Alianess, plis wait for me this Thurs nite ya. Same time, same place;p

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mumbling alone

Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah syurga
Bersukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia selamanya

Sy sendirian. Sendiri di dlm cube yg kecil ini. Kwn2 cube sume pegi offsite and in-house training. Jadinye sy bosan. Lebey2 lg, pg td baru sj sy siapkan sume keje sy. Maka bertambah la bosannye.

Tp pg td sy mulekan hari sy dgn senyuman sbbnye pg2 lg HOT fm dh putarkan lagu "Ruang Rindu". Walaupon lagu ni dh lame, lagu yg Pijoi kasi mase mule2 bunga2 cinta berputik, tapi stiap kali sy dgr lagu ini, sy bole ingat lg perasaan itu. No wonder kwn2 ku sume kate sy sgt angau bercinta ye dulu. Now I must admit it yg sy mmg angau. Dan smpai skang sy masih angau. Sy bole tersenyum sendirian bile2 mase sy teringat sesuatu yg manis2 dan juge bole ketawa sendirian bile teringat lawak2nye dan juge bole meleleh tetibe w/pn utk bende yg remeh temeh. The power of love, really drive me crazy;p Okeh, sy sudah semakin jiwang make perlu end kan topik ini.

Skang ni, pkulk 7.30pg dh jem wooo otw ke opis ku. Sbelum ni, tak penah jem. Dulu 7.30pg sy lalu situ, rilek je. Smooth. Tapi skang, haiyaaa, jem gile. Walaupon hanye traffic light jem, and of kos it's moving jem, tp still...membazirkan mase gua nk ke opis. Baik2 15mis dh smpai skang ni tambah lg 10mins. Mentang2 minyak dh trun, tggl RM2.15 je seliter, sume org nk bwk kete sndiri dh g keje. Takdak car pool or motorbike already. Ingat lg mase minyak Rm2.70 seliter, Intel siap pening sbb motor byk so takde space utk motor nye parking. Tp tak mengapa, asalkan minyak turun sume senang hati. Tp bus ekspress nye fare tak mo turun sejak 30% increment during raya aritu. Kurang asam btoi! Skang ni tiket Png-KL is RM35. Tensen mak! Dh laa bln ni berkali2 aku kene pegi KL. Haih sabo jela. Pastu diorg bole nk naikkan lg rege tiket ni with no strong justification. Katenye kenaikan harga bus and teksi takde kaitan ngn harga minyak turun. Apekah??

This wiken sy mau pulang ke hometown. Wohoooo!!! Dh sebulan lebey sy tak pulang ke rumah. Rindu bangat sihh. Rindu mau lepak2 di atas couch smbl menonton TV smbl tetdo *ngeee* Hajat di hati juge mau bawa Pijoi mkn di Tepian Tebrau. Mau ikan bakar n kerang rebus and he also wants his fav lala dish. Mau juge ABC koko 1kg. The best ABC in Msia. No other place can lawan punya *ngeee*

P/s: Dear ol my frens, please remind me to bring back my passport ya this wiken. I ni pelupe banget. If not die laa. Cant wait for this Dec vacation;D

Friday, November 7, 2008


Fella, this is an entry of a lazy lady that doesnt go to work nor does anythg accept for blogging. So this wont be a nice entry that you might hope (like my previous entries are so interesting. Sggh perasan!)

Yes as I said earlier, this lady doesnt go to her office today and she skipped a sport event at the botanical garden. Sperti biase, sy mmg begini and I hate sport, utk mereka yg ingin tahu. Org kaki bangku, tgn bangku, dan sungguh tidak fit ini hanya layak utk bersenang-lenang di atas katil saje. Tetapi, walopon di atas katil saye masih mampu bersenam ye. Blogging adalah aktivti senaman jari yg baru saye found out. Sggh interesting and no stress i tell u. Jadi cubalah sndiri ye.

Tonite, I'll have an annual dinner at G hotel. But I'm not that interested to go. No besties, no best buddies, an empty home wud be a way better than a glamorous, havock party. Bak conversation Samantha and her daddy in Bewitch,
"Samantha: Where is home?

Dad: Wherever you feel the happiest.''

Lagi pula sy ni conservative orgnye. Party is not so me. Unless it is full with all my closest frens or anyone that I can call as fren. Tidak mengapa. Janji malam ini sy full with good food in a nice ambience and sy menjalankan tggjwb sy sbg one of the committee members. Well, basically, I'm done with my job as a communication and publicity leader but tonite, sy hanye perlu menunjuk muka dan diarah utk menjaga laptop and projector yg berkunci. Apekah?? I can tell you if you wanna steal these laptops and projectors, I should call you STUPID. Dgn locationnye di hadapan tepi stage yg boleh disaksikan oleh at least 250 ppl dan berkunci with kensigton lock, maka mmg banganglah mereka yg cube menjadi pencuri. Maka sy bole kate keje sy mlm ini mmg sgt BANGANG *haha* Sy mmg suke keje2 mudah, tp bile tau sebangang ini keje sy, tersenyum sendirian saje seharian. Asalkan sy boleh makan dgn tenang, itu sudah memadai. Harap2 mlm ini ade potato scallops. Tidak puas mkn seafod scallops aritu *sigh*

Last wiken saye baru saje dpt tgk gamba2 tunang yg ditangkap oleh kameraman. Sggh mengecewakan. Tapi way better than using my ketinggalan-zaman-not-canggih-at-all camera. Haha Of kos laa kan. But mungkin cameraman itu kene menjadi lebey kreatif lg utk menangkap gamba2 yg menarik. Sy rs die ni tak byk study gamba2 kat intenet or learn on 'how to have a good shot'. Rugi sggh. Pdhal byk gile sources skang ni. Itulaaa, kan nabi pesan, belajar smpai ke negeri China. Skang ni bukan stakat negeri China, ade internet serata dunia kite bole blaja. Some nice shots, I posted in my frenster.

Fiza was holding my simple door gift. Apple bunga rampai with butterfly. Sy rindu nak bau bunga rampai.
Better I stop here, or else, this lady wont fold her over-1-week unfold clothes. Pemalas gile! *ngeeee* Bak kate Obama, "CHANGE, we believe in!" (ape kaitan?)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Starting time : 2131h Name : yuliana

Sister(s) : i'm d one n d only daughter

Brother(s) : 3

Shoe size : 5 or 6

Height : 158 cm

Where do you live : Penang yg 'interesting'

Have you ever been on a plane : I hate it! Sbbnye saye mabuk2 di dlm flight hihi

Swam in the ocean : urrmm..mcm tak, mcm penah

Fallen asleep at school : WAJIB (part of schooling schedule)

Broken someone’s heart : dibrokenkan penah laa

Fell off your chair : mungkin

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : of kos

Saved e-mails : semestinye

What is your room like : besepah dan kecik dan semak

What’s right beside you: IQ test papers and teddies

What is the last thing you ate : cucuq udang

Ever had…Chicken pox : no

Sore throat : pebende nye soklan laa ni *sigh

Stitches : enggak

Broken nose : enggak juga

Do you believe in love at first sight : no such thing

Like picnics : layan laaa

Who was/were…The last person you danced with : RAM dancers. Dh lame xmenari *sigh*

Last made you smile : enchek kesygan

You last yelled at : phone?

Today did you…Talk to someone you like : yes

Kissed anyone : Skype smiley

Get sick : Alhamdullillah tgh sehat

Talk to an ex : dielakkan

Miss someone : Miss ramai org

Who do you really hate: one specific

Do you like your hand-writing : suke kalo pen tu buat tulisan ku chantek

Are your toe nails painted :

Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my mom's

What color shirt are you wearing now : brown

Are you a friendly person : boleh tahan laa

Do you have any pets : i dont like pet pliss

Do you sleep with the TV on: NO! pantang ye

What are you doing right now : menaip

Can you handle the truth : Berani kerana benar *ecehh*

Are you closer to your mother or father : mama ler

Do you eat healthy : Obviously not since I have extremely high cholestrol another sigh*

Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : ade kot dekat umah lame kalo mama tak buang lagi;p

If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : tunangku or mamaku or fizaku

Are you loud or quiet most of the time : becok is my middle name. thank you

Are you confident : selalu belagak confident esp during interview;p

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-form 1
-masih dibuli dan belajar utk membuli
-bermulanye habit tido di kelas
-rajin membasuh baju
-pantang cadar katil tak tegang

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
Dont ask or u'll regret coz I cant stop berangan then cant stop talking*ngee*

5 of my bad habits
-bgn tdo suke pening2 mcm morning sickness
-mls kemas bilik
-mls basuh n lipat baju
-tak penah focus time keje except for issues period
-kuat tido

5 places I’ve lived/living

5 people I tag
-dr azalea

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