Saturday, January 16, 2010

Connected afterall

I am always jelous to the lawyers or any good writers. Tak kisahlah whether you're a journalist hence the talent or you're just born with it. Dan lebih2 lagi bila Miss Ex Pijoi ialah seorang lawyer, maka kad2 cinta mereka, sangatlah know lah. Ahh, bencilah. Saya memang jelous dengan mereka. Noktah.

Hey people, I'm connected at home afterall. Seronok plis. Dah setahun kot merana hidup seharian without internet at home. So I'm kinda excited and terus nak tulis blog. Ahaks.

On the other note, I was frequently being asked "Macam mana hidup dah kahwin? Seronok ke?" Heh. I dont really have the answer for that actually, but for sure, mestilah seronok! Kalau tak, takdenye gatal sangat nak kahwin cepat kan?;p Tell you the truth people, I think the best part hidup as a married couple is when you can share almost everything with the partner. Dan yang paling saya suka ialah sharing passwords with Pijoi coz I tell you, he has lots of nonsense passwords yang sangat melucukan. Contohnya..not telling lah. Itukan password. Hehe.

Bencilah with the pimples nowadays. Suka sangat melekat dekat my jaw, at my back, dan tempat2 yang pelik. The hormone I guess. Haih sabar jelah. Asal jangan menempek kat muka sudahlah ye misses pimples! Benci tau!!

It's almost midnite now. Harus tidur. Kata tak mahu pimple;p So dream nice and sleep tight ya;)
P/S: Kalau saya rajin, nanti2 mahu cerita tentang the Lil Project Runaway pulak. Itu kalau rajinlah.

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