Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Surprise Baby Shower

"Friendship is precious, not only in the shade, but in the sunshine of life"

Me & Baby Boy @ 29weeks & 2 days
How should I start this entry? Well, I should say I am the happiest, luckiest mommy-to-be! Guess what. My bestest friends back in Canter Uni, threw me an awesome, surprise baby shower. Oh my. Oh my. Nothing I could say. Hugs & kisses & zillion thanks to all my bestest friends :)

At first, I thought kami akan keluar makan bersama since Fiza & Ofa is here. Since Hubby juga bersepakat dengan mereka, jadi saya pun percayalah. Cuma adalah sedikit kepelikan bin ajaib sebab all of sudden kena pergi ambil Fiza & Ofa di rumah Alia. Selalunya, of koslah encik Bils akan mengangkut mereka. Tapi, entah kenapa, saya ikutkan saja. Mungkin ada sebab2 tertentu. Sampai2 di rumah Alia, jumpa auntie kejap. Then auntie ajak masuk. Lagipun Fiz & Ofa masih bersiap katanya. Few mins later, then Alia panggil cakap nak tunjuk something to me. Ok Fine. I followed. Then, bila saja saya buka langsir pintu, "SURPRISE!!!!" Terkejut aku sekejap dengan jeritan diorang. Haha. Nasib baik belum cukup 40 minggu. Kalau tak mungkin boleh terberanak. Huhu. Nevertheless, I was like sooooo happy and glad to see most of them. Lama kot tak jumpa though masing2 duduk kat KL. So so so happy.

Then, sesi pegang2 perut by the girls. But kasihan mereka, baby sedang tidur. Anakku sekarang, kalau dh tido, memang jarang dah nak gerak sangat ya. Lagilah before gerak ke rumah Alia, dia baru saja bangun dan menari2 dengan gembira. Jadi usaha membangunkan dia tidak berjaya. Huhu. Sorilah auntie2 ye. Maybe next time or bila baby dah keluar. Silalah gomol2 dia;)

Food was seriously sedap especially the lasagna. The homemade dadih by Alia & Ofa pun yummeh!! Oh I like all the foods please. Makan sampai perut makin boroi. Hehe. Then, sambil makan we were still talking and gossipping for non-stop till the end. Tapi in the middle, we had the pressie time. Me likey! Thanks guys for all the lovely pressies;) and Baby Boy, please say thank you to your aunties and uncles please. Belum keluar sudah banyak kasih sayang. See, you're so lucky my dear lil boy:)Then, the helium gas session was the best lah! Seriously, it reminds me of the good-old-days back in Chch. Full of laughter and funny voices. Haha. Terbaeklah! Gelak sampai sakit2 perut.

Gelak punya gelak, we didnt realise dah pukul 12 malam. So everyone was heading back home including me. And that was the end of my baby shower party. I was extremely happy and until now I am still smiling. Thank you so much korang. Doakan kami berdua ya;) Nanti boleh kita makan2 and catching up lagi.


fizzzzzzzzz said...

mmg sgt best!!!! part makan,part gosip,part bukak hadiah dan juge part beli tudung huhu.

alianess masih superb mengorganise parteyhh!alia,thank you bebeh! yuls,cepat2 kuarkan beby kitorg nk gomol plissss=)

~ said...

nxt time suh esah jual kain plak. baru leh jd toke gulatis.

Alianess mmg mantap aa. nxt time buat party lain plak hihi


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