Thursday, May 21, 2009

Star Trek the Movie

"Spock, do yourself a favor: put aside logic, do what feels right." - Spock Prime

Siapa tak suka tengok series Star Trek? Jangan risau saya pun memang tak suka langsung series tu. Dah lah watak2 nya penuh dengan orang Vulcan yang pelik macam aliens, pasal spaceship and galaxy lagi. Memang langsung saya tak layanlah. Lagipun saya memang bukan peminat science fiction pun. Jadi haruslah tak suka kan.

But now, I am such a big fat liar if I am still in denial. Star Trek the movie memang cool and one of the must watch movies. Even though, the spaceship and the galaxy is still in the movie, but it's not just about it. It is more to action movies. Penuh debaran i tell you from the starts till the end. Fuhh. Undescribeable how fast my heart beat during the show. Tambahan pulak, kehebatan Chris Pine melakonkan watak James T Kirk as a hero memang benar2 thumb ups lah. Rupa, yes he is quite handsome but the idea of the James character yang cheeky, nakal, degil, berani, and macho makes him more adorable dan amat mencuit hati perempuan saya. Hehe. But Spock character also not bad and I think Zachary Quinto is the most handsome Spock in the Vulcan. Nak tarik balik pengakuan saya benci orang Vulcan, boleh? Ngeee.

Kesimpulannya, memang sangat bestlah cerita ni. Sama best seperti Angels & Demons tapi masih belum setanding Transformers lah. Jadi jangan lupa watch this movie ya!

Live Long and Prosper (means Goodbye in Spock's way).


the seasonal blogger said...

yekeeee that is a gd bye! ngee thx yuls atas info itu.

kelakar kan. best gile. aku dh tengok jgk, tp tetap takle blah sbb cite angkasa lepas. nguuu. twist gile sbb rupanya spock yg suke uhura. (aku mmg slow. haha., igt kn mamat kirk). fun movie. fab line

~ said...

hahahha tak silap aku laa..

best gile kan kan. aku cm tak pecaya aku bole suke star trek. mmg mantap producer die huhuu aku pn lembab ok. ingatkan uhura tu jual2 mahal.rupanya dh ade org len.dem btoi hehe

Unknown said...

i'll b watching it soon enuff..

Unknown said...
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