Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A toddler!

This morning I asked Aidan,

Mummy: Aidan, do you want a baby sister?
Aidan: Nanak! *sambil marah-marah*
Mummy: LOL! But she will be a very cute sister and she can play with you.
Aidan: *bolayan sambil baca buku*

Aiyooo! Macam mana ni? Hehehhe

I never thought that raising a toddler is super fun though it's handful. I love to have a mummy-son conversation these days as he knows how to respond. Even sometimes he will call me "Mama..blablablabla *talking-alien-language*" I might not know what he is talking about but I know he is telling me something. Cuteness!

Aidan likes to mimick on whatever that I say. The other morning when I said, "Aidan, quick!" Then, he ran towards me and said "Kik Kik" Haha. He also remembers a lot of songs especially the phonic songs, animal songs, etc. He might not know how to sing the whole song correctly, but I can hear he pronounced some words clearly. Like the phonic songs,

Mummy: Aa Aa
Aidan: E-pool *Apple*
Mummy: Be be
Aidan: Ball
Mummy: C*ke* C*ke*
Aidan: Tet *Cat*

and so on until Ge Ge, he will say *Go-illa* with L pelat macam nak terbelit lidah. That is super cute!

Toddler banyak keletah. Seronok bila main sekarang ni. But as I said, it is not only fun but also a handful one. It's tiring when he needs my attention most of the time. It's stressful when he refuses to eat and being so picky. I have to urut dada when he messes all around the house. And the list goes on. As MIL always reminding me, being a good mother requires a lot of your patience. So Mummy, chillax la. Take a deep breath dan urut dada!

So, are you ready to have another baby Mummy? Hahaha

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