Friday, May 14, 2010


Sometimes, being pregnant is kind of funny for me. I can crave for something even though I just read someone's fb status yang kadang2 tiada kaitan at all with food. Contohnya seperti di bawah.Tapi for sure, mengidam ni saya rasa more to nafsu dan hasutan syaitan. Sebabnya, selalu teringin itu ini, tapi bila tak dapat, esoknya kadang2 dah tak heran sangat. Tapi kadang2 teringin lagi, sampai dapat baru puas. Tak dapat yg betul, yang tiruan pon jadilah. Huhu.

And yesterday, I made a homemade candle light dinner for the dearest husband. Just a simple one but for sure one of the memorable moments. I can still remember hubby's wide smile when he reached home. So precious ;)
Lamb shoulder steak, fries and coleslaw with a heartshape tomato. I can feel the love beybeh!! ;p

Birthday Boy and me and a homemade birthday card with lots of love;)

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