Monday, December 29, 2008

10 things on the Christmas Break

  1. I spent my Christmas break with Pijoi and family. And proudly to tell ya that I've ride the Eye on Msia. Akhirnya dapat juga merasa. Tapi untuk orang yang gayat seperti saya, riding on that ferris wheel is not a good idea. Ada beberapa sebab: 1) Angin sangat kuat di Melaka 2) Sangat scary bila kotak anda bergoyang2 di tempat yang paling tinggi semasa menunggu penumpang lain menaiki kotak mereka 3) Kecut perut kot bila Pijoi dengan sengaja menambah goyang kotak itu 4) Tak berbaloi sebab pemandangan tak secantik mana. Kesimpulannya, I'm not going to ride that stupid ferris wheel anymore. Heh.
  2. Jem gila otw to Melaka last Saturday. It was happened to be Hari Terbuka Krismas di Perkampungan Portugal. Sangat tak tahu, maka perjalanan 2 jam jadi 4 jam. *sigh*
  3. We had our dinner at Umbai. Makan ikan bakar. But then it was not the stall that I usually went with my family. And unfortunately, it was not like what I have expected plus orang tersangatlah ramai. So I didnt really enjoy the food. Despite of those unfortunate situations, I still had fun spending time with my future in laws especially to hear those stupid jokes from YOU and Ayip;D
  4. Please watch Bedtime Stories and you wont stop laughing, I reckon. Sangat kelakar okeh. Jalan cerita menarik plus I like Adam Sandler. He is so funny and talented. So dont miss it guys!
  5. Me and Pijoi attended his Deloitte colleague's wedding at KGPA. The wedding was nice but it was so wonderful and touching since Pijoi really insist to introduce me as his fiancee to his Deloitte's colleagues even though had to wait those Deloitte's girls almost an hour to arrive. Sangat membazirkan masa ye. Tapi saya tahu Pijoi berharap saya tak lagi mudah jeles dengan mereka, kan kan? Well, I'll think about it later;p
  6. Dont know why but recently me and Pijoi are interested to window shopping on electrical stuffs. Tengok fridge la, mesin basuh la, TV la, aircond la, dan semua2 lah yang kami rasa kami perlukan nanti. Mungkin kami dah tak sabar nak ada rumah sendiri kot;p And suprisingly, we have started buying it. Wohooo. Err, word WE is not suitable and actually is Pijoi;p Maybe next time we should spy stuffs at Ikea pulak. Semangat okeh walaupun ada masa 11 bulan lagi. huhu. Dan kami tak survey pun barang2 kahwin, boleh tak?? *tee heee*
  7. Saya berazam nak buat azam 2009 tapi azam nak buat azam pun tak tercapai lagi. Malaslah tersangat. The only thing that I have in mind is to cut cost on my wedding thingy stuffs semaximum yang boleh. Only necessity would do. Tapi memerlukan determination yang tinggi untuk melawan conflict of interest. Mudah2an dipermudahkan. Amin.
  8. Esah lalings sudah pulang and I have catched up some things with her. Really miss her and really want to meet up sometime. Oh so cant wait for CNY holiday!!
  9. Waiting for Fiza lalings to pulang as well cause I really miss her by now. Lost contact with her eversince she went to chch. Tak mengapa kasi chance orang berhoneymoon;p
  10. Another 12 days and I will be a year older which means need to remind myself to be a good muslimah, a good fiancee, a good daughter, a good friend, a good accountant, and a good in everything. And another 12 days to meet YOU again. Yeay!!!;)


the seasonal blogger said...

kua3. d mo' aku tau ko ad di melaka on melaka, aku mmg trs rs, woooo, dunie ni kecik sgt :P

~ said...

dunia ni bulat dan kecik. lari sane sini dh jumpe dh org yg kite kenal. Tapi aku rs xle blah telupe name ustaz Akmal. Demm!


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