Friday, May 11, 2012

Safety Harness

I'm not sure this safety harness is a necessary or not. I dont see many parents bought this tho. But we, the saiko parents have bought it for Aidan. Haha. Hubby said, better safe than sorry. Yeah. Dah laa dengan kes culik-menculik yang menjadi-jadi sekarang ni, takutlah. And this active, energetic toddler, kalau dapat lepas daripada stroller, memang jakun. Pantas saje lari sana-sini. Mana kitorang tak cuak.

But since kat Malaysia ni not many people used it and some may even think like "macam bawak pet", mestilah macam pelik je bila kitorang pakai. Wahaha. Actually, saya pun tak berapa nak gemar. Tapi sebab saiko, have to gunalah. Untuk tak nampak sangat weird, kitorg pegang the strap dan pimpin tangan Aidan. Just to make sure, in case budak ni terlepas, at least I have the strap untuk stop dia daripada lari ke mana-mana. Especially in a crowded place.

The baby that wears a cow ;D
Last weekend, when we went to Ikea, there was a lil girl said to the mother, "Mummy, I saw a baby wearing a cow". Mentioning about Aidan. LOL! That's super cute.

So what say you mommies and daddies. Will you buy this safety strap?

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