Tuesday, May 22, 2012

When my baby refuses to eat!

I am super stressed! "Macam kucing kehilangan anak"..Drama alert!

Aidan tak nak makan most of the times for the past two weeks. In fact today, I bet he refused to eat at his babysitter's too. If you know him well, you must be worried. This is so not him. Tengoklah pipi bam bam dia. But then, as I said earlier, he refused to eat for these few weeks! Me, as his Drama Mama, has been saiko-ly depressed with his sudden refused-to-eat behaviour. I've been googling here and there and even has brought him to his paed. I was told by his paed that he is just fine, active and happy. In fact he gained another kilo in 3 months, but none has conviced me he is doing fine.

Until today, when I stumbled into this blog and found a few serious good articles. Damn good that make me calmed and convinced enough. And the best part is when the article said, a toddler gains only a kilo per year on average. So what's all the fuss Drama Mama when he is gained a kilo in 3 months. Duhh!

So if you have the same problem with me, dont worry (though I was one saiko mummy before) much. What you need to do is just sit and read these articles. It explains very well that will make you understand much of your baby whole eating dramas.

1) http://parenthots.com/news_and_events/news/Parents-find-out-how-to-get-kids-to-eat-healthy.aspx
2) http://parenthots.com/features/focus_on_the_family/Battling-the-reluctant-eater.aspx

Phewww. I can now rest my case and stop being dramatic too. LOL!


Anonymous said...

mak aku penah cakap mcm ni bile kakak aku risau anak die tak suke makan> 'budak kalau lapar die makan, kalau tak lapa die tak makan. so, whatever he's taking even sikit pun is act enough for him'

aku tak tau psl takde anak lg.heheh

~ said...

Yang buat aku risau sbb aidan suke makan. Skali tetiba terus tak nak makan. Tu yg cuak. Aku slalu risau cukup nutrition ke nak membesar huhu kalau makan sket tp cukup sume bole tahan lagi. But now aku paham. Tak nak makan for kids is normal tapi how we handle it, that will make the difference. Hehe. Nway thx. Aku rase ko ialah elun;)


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