Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Bulk Order Batch #1
My 1st ever bulk orders.All packed and ready to be delivered to the baby shop.
If you are interested to buy in bulk (at least 6 babycakes), do let me know for special price. :) Email me at for more details.
Friday, November 2, 2012
November Love
Suami: Aidan, Let's go see fish.
Aidan: Yeay, Pish! (sambil campak Ipad)
Us: T___T
Nak luluh jantung kami ok. Nasib baling atas cushion kereta. Heh. Tamat.
Saya suka pergi pasar malam tempat saya. Gerai yang saya paling suka ialah gerai makcik jual sayur dan ulaman kampung macam serai, pucuk paku, nangka muda, petai, etc. Sangat murah dan segar. Dan makcik juga kelihatan gembira. Saya tak tahu kenapa. Tapi saya suka makcik tu. Nampak sangat humble dan baik.
Saya teringin mahu jadi orang yang sangat humble. Tapi kadang-kadang terjadi tak berapa nak humble. Nafsu mungkin. Memang susah nak jadi baik dan berbuat baik. Tapi masih boleh mencuba.
Bulan November dah tiba. Saya suka bulan November. Bulan cinta dan bahagia. Haha. Semoga kamu-kamu juga merasa bahagia dan cinta setiap hari. :)
Monday, October 22, 2012
Babycakes n More
Pernah dengar pasal diaper cake? Kek yang dibuat daripada lampin pakai buang bayi tapi dihias cantik dan comel seperti cake. Hehe. Sangat sesuai dijadikan hamper, atau perhiasan ketika baby shower. Boleh menggembirakan hati si ibu. Saya yang membuatnya juga sudah gembira dan teruja. Inikan pula si penerima. Lagilah menggembirakan hati.
Setakat ini, saya sudah membaking 2 babycakes dan 1 gift basket. Ya saya panggil diaper cake as babycakes sebab nampak lebih commercial dan sedap. Haha.
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Itsy Bitsy Purple |
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Funimals |
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Pinky Lil Princess |
Untuk para ibu, saya ada juga menjual barang-barangan bayi seperti Avent, Mam, Tommee Tippee, dan lain-lain dengan harga yang jauh lebih rendah dari kedai-kedai bayi. Jadi ibu-ibu silalah excited untuk melihat barang-barangan tersebut. Hehe. Selamat bershopping ;)
Friday, September 14, 2012
His first super bad tantrum
At the beginning, when Abah left, he was crying until he vomited a bit in front of the door. Okay. Fine. I was okay with it, hoping that he will stop crying after that. That is what usually happened. Unfortunately not for this time. He continued to cry while hitting his hand at the door. That is menguji kesabaran saya sedikit. So I hold him inside. He still crying and shouting "Abah..Abah" sambil baring dan pukul lantai using his hands pulak. So I just sit on the sofa and ignore him. Then, he suddenly got up and walked to the door again, pukul pintu, shouting, still crying loudly, ambil alas kaki dan cuba pukul pintu guna alas kaki. I asked him to put it down but he refused. To show his protest, he tried to throw the door mat to me. Ok. That is not acceptable! Seriously I got mad and put him at the corner for punishment. Time out for 5 mins. Luckily, he stand still at the corner though still crying loudly. I know he scared. He didnt even dare to look at me. Oh man, I feel like crying too when I saw that. I restraint myself to pujuk nor hold him tightly for a while. I just want him to know that he is not right so he got punished. But deep inside my heart, I want to cry with him. Ya Allah, dugaan betul to deal with this kind of tantrum.
After 5 mins, when his crying getting slower, I called him. Then, he continued crying again while coming towards me. He said "Sowi" dan salam my hands. Sumpah I almost cry that time. We were holding each other tightly for a while before I whispered to him not to do it again. Then, he asked for susu and sleep. Safe and sound. Phewww..
What a day!
Saturday, August 25, 2012
How to raise a child?
Aidan is in the midst of duplicating whatever that he likes. I noticed it during hari raya break when we were at kampung. He likes to duplicate whatever his big cousin do. When his big cousin jumped, he would jump. When big cousin spit, he would spit too. He even talked a lot more new vocabs like "Jom", "Adam", "Dirty" and etc during the week. Thus, I can foresee the peer pressure when we send him to school next year. Sangat mendebarkan.
His big cousin and the brother always threw tantrum during the week sampai saya rasa kesian with SIL and the husband. Like seriously. When I looked how toddlers can be when they were throwing tantrum, saya terus bersyukur dan rasa Aidan is a very good boy. Bukan nak puji (walaupun puji sikit) tapi Aidan memang jarang mengamuk. Kalau menangis pun kejap je. Kalau dia marah pun, tak ada sampai guling-guling hentak kaki atas lantai. For the time being tak pernah terjadi. Alhamdulillah. Sebab tu saya terfikir, kenapa some toddlers suka mengamuk? What went wrong? Apa cara yang terbaik? Apa yang betul? Am I doing the right one?
Some people said, ikut kata hati. Tapi kalau kata hati salah macamana? Kalau tersalah, susah nak patah balik atau mungkin tak dapat nak patah balik terus. Hah. That is the scariest thought that I ever had.
Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya. Maaf Zahir Batin. :)
Saturday, August 11, 2012
4am in the morning
Hubby woke me up at 2am and now, I am still wide awake. Heh. Done with sahur in case we tertidur balik.
I am too gigih typing this on blogger apps. Seems cool. But not sure with the outcome.
We are planning to held a small birthday party with close family tonite. Soon to be two boy has been practising singing Happy Birthday song and blowing an imaginary candle since last night. Haha. Cant wait for the real one. My cheeky darling baby is a big boy now. Sobsss.
Will update on the birthday later.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Guilty Charge!
So, this month when I'm officially have started my new role, I already planned earlier that I just woke up early for sahur and quickly starts doing my work. And so here am I, doing my work while blogging and melayan this lil boy with pounding head since 5am. Great. Everything happens today. Luckily, this cheeky boy doesnt really disturb me except for asking for air, yoghurt, sing along with him, etc. Still acceptable. Kalau tak mahu saya bertukar jadi raksasa hijau!
I felt so guilty last night. I got really mad at Aidan till I said "I dont want to sleep with you!" and out to the living room just because he threw my handphone under the bed. Sebab susah nak ambil and hubby didnt really want to help me initially, I just got so frustrated. So then, I scolded him. He didnt cry neither dare to look at me. He just lie down still. After like 10 mins in the living room, then I got into the room and tried to get my handphone again. Luckily, this time, hubby helped me. Then, I got my handphone back and felt really guilty of scolding him badly. Sigh. I'm always a bad mother. Dah laa before sleep Abah scolded him sebab tak mahu makan ubat. Sigh. Sigh. He must be so sad last night.
I had pujuk Aidan right after that. I hug him and he hug me too. I said sorry and he said "sowi" too. *Tears* Then, we slept while hugging each other. And I just love to sleep in the middle between Abah and Aidan coz I've been cuddle by my two fav boys. Blissss. :)
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tuhan Jagakan Dia
Anyway, thank you sayang. You've made my day beautifully :) I love you too banyak-banyak.
Tuhan Jagakan Dia by Motif
hanya dirimu yang ku cinta
takkan membuat aku jatuh cinta lagi
aku merasa kau yang terbaik untuk diriku
walau ku tahu kau tak sempurna
takkan membuat aku jauh darimu
apa adanya ku kan tetap setia kepadamu
Tuhan jagakan dia
dia kekasihku ‘kan tetap milikku
aku sungguh mencintai
sungguh menyayangi setulus hatiku
walau ku tahu kau takkan sempurna
takkan membuat aku jauh darimu
apa adanya ku kan tetap setia kepadamu
Tuhan jagakan dia
dia kekasihku ‘kan tetap milikku
aku sungguh mencintai
sungguh menyayangi setulus hatiku
Tuhan jagakan dia
dia kekasihku ‘kan tetap milikku
aku sungguh mencintai
sungguh menyayangi setulus hatiku
Tuhan jagakan dia
dia kekasihku ‘kan tetap milikku
aku sungguh sungguh mencintai
sungguh menyayangi setulus hatiku
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Another Random Day
Boleh histeria tengok baju selonggok macam ni. |
So how's your Ramadhan going? Saya rasa sangat best berbanding tahun-tahun yang sebelumnya. Tahun ini rasa lebih tenang. Lebih-lebih lagi bila 3-4 hari yang lepas saya ada sedikit murung. Biasalah hidup mesti ada cabaran dan dugaannya. Moga Allah terus beri ketenangan jiwa kepada saya. InsyaAllah.
Tahun ni ada azam Ramadhan. Eceh.
1) Tak mahu tidur lepas sahur.
2) Nak selalu masak for iftar walaupun on weekdays.
3) Terawikh berjemaah dengan suami.
As of now masih berjaya. Tapi harini macam ada ngantuk2 sikit. Huhu. Bertahan Yuli bertahan! Terawikh juga masih on walaupun mencabar. Budak kecik tulah. Saja cari pasal. Time kami sembahyang tu lah dia nak park walker truck die depan sejadah, naik belakang Abah time nak sujud, duduk atas riba Abah time duduk antara dua sujud, dan macam-macam lagilah. Yang paling best, dia ketuk kepala Abah dengan cast kaki dia yang kitorang dah bukak. Sumpah tak boleh tahan gelak time tu. Dah laa dah rakaat terakhir, tinggal nak bagi salam saja. Sabar jelah anak oi! Hehe. Itulah dia ragam budak kecik ketika Ramadhan.
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan semua. :)
Saturday, July 14, 2012
"Nak Baby"
The other day at Mamak while we were having breakfast, he saw a man holding a baby looking for a table. And suddenly he tarik my hands and said "Nak baby. Nak baby."
Then, the other night, while we were having dinner at home, he saw his photo masa baby hanging on the wall and quickly said "Ma, nak baby. Nak baby." Without notice that the baby photo is actually him. >___<
And today, at Nama's wedding, while I was holding Luqman (Fiza's baby), suddenly Aidan ambil tisu nak lap mulut Luqman. Bila tengok rupanya Luqman muntah susu sikit. I have no idea where he got the idea to wipe Luq's mouth.
Is that another sign baby? ;p
Sabar ye sayang. We go as per plan, Abah kata. Mak bapak hang kan accountant, semua pun nak ikut plan. Hehe
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My not-so-baby baby with baby cousin :) |
Friday, June 29, 2012
You made me cried last night. It was just because you vomited twice on the bed after coughing. Silly? That is your mother.
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My poor lil baby. |
Many people wish you well but some I'm not sure. Well, I don't really mind though the words do hurt me. That is life. All I know is I have given you the best that I can. That is what a mother always do.
I was tired and I still am. I'm not complaining that I have to carry you here and there but it's not easy to hold 15kilos of you with my laptop backpack and your bag every morning and evening. It is just too heavy.
Today was a bad day too. Daddy was scolded me for silly things that I did. I left the receipt and report in the office when he needs it. Unhappy morning is so not me. But I still hold my tears.
So please excuse me for crying badly over you. I didn't mean it but I cant hold it anymore. I'm truly sorry.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Ubat Time
Aidan susah makan ubat since he is baby. But baby phase is still tollerable to force him to eat the ubat. Now he is much much more smarter. He will run away once he saw the ubat or he will reject the food or water once he tasted the ubat in it. Even if it is his 9oz susu. Totally reject and asked me to make a new one. Force him to eat? - useless. He will instantly vomit it out right after he tasted it. Waduh Waduh. Memang kene tahap kesabaran tinggi.
We have totally out of idea how to let him eat the ubat. His cough getting bad coz it was almost a week. He can even termuntah when he is coughing even time tidur. Pity darling baby.
The other day, when we tried to let him eat the ubat, suddenly, dengan izin Allah, saya termenyanyi to make the eating-ubat-time fun. And guess what, it works wonders. No muntah, no stress, and he is happy. Hahaha. So, that easy?
I know my darling baby is one happy go lucky boy. He will sing and dance (even non-stop when he got hyper) whenever he is happy. No joke. I always sing him a song while brushing his teeth. Previously, I have the same difficulties when it comes to brushing his teeth. Not until I sing him a song. A boring, mendatar song which only have 2 lyrics "tee-teeth time" continues like until finished brushing his teeth. Even hubby got annoyed with the song. Kah Kah. Lucky he found it fun despite of the song and now everytime mandi, he will ask for tee-teeth.
Now I know, if there is any difficulties, instead of forcing him, I will try to make it fun. Coz this happy toddler, hates being forced and likes singing and happy, fun time.
Thank you Allah.It was simply a great lesson learn. ;)
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Cheecky Cookie Monster!! |
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Balik Kampung
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Accident: Kaki Melecur :(
Called me a bad mother in the whole universe cause I am. I was so careless, crappy, lousy, and I deserve it. Now my baby is suffering the burn skin. Sobs.
It was happened last Monday, at Thistle Hotel JB, when I was busy packing before checking out. The hotel room is weird. It has no table to prepare coffee or boiling the water. All the plug is at the bottom near the floor. That tells why I boiled the water on the floor.
But it was all my fault. If only I took the kettle away from the floor after boiling the water, my baby wont hurt this bad. It was me who should be blamed thought I tried to deny it by saying that accident happens. My heart cries when I remember how loud he cried that day, how sad when he said "akit" while crying, and how hurt it was until he was sobbing while sleeping. *tears* It was a damn good motherhood lesson for me.
I bought him to the clinic last night. Even the doctor scolded me of not bringing him earlier. Well again, I didn't know it could be that bad until the blister pecah. The doctor said, if there is any burn incident, please bring to the clinic ASAP. Aloevera, tooth paste wont help that much.
Three special steps that parents should do if accident happens:
1) Stay calm
2) Stop quarreling, blaming, etc each other
3) Think fast how to cure/solve the problem
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Jagung Setongkol
Today, we bought extra (Gain Plus) fm for Aidan (Aidan minum Anmum) because of the free gift. Nampak sangat senang terpengaruh. Haha.
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"RuRu (Pororo) as what Aidan pronounced. |
Friday, May 25, 2012
You know you are a mother when..
I never thought that I could do this. Dah macam ada super power. I still remember time study dulu. Bangun awal sikit, sure petang ngantuk. Lepas tu, habis exam, mulalah nak qada' tidur.
I cant really remember when was the last time I could qada' my sleep. Haha. Must be ages ago and for sure before I am a mother lah. Qada' tidur tak ada dalam kamus ibu. Itu pasti.
Dan harini, saya sangat bersyukur. Lepas 5 hari tak makan almost everything except his rice craker, yoghurt, fruits and biskut, Aidan makan 5 suap nasi malam tadi dan sedikit murtabak. Alhamdulillah. ;) Dah cukup menggembirakan saya sebabnya saya dah tak paksa dia untuk makan.
Haritu saya ada baca beberapa artikel. Artikel kata, ibu tak boleh putus asa, kena sentiasa konsisten, sabar dan yakin dengan pertolongan Allah. Jadi saya cuba untuk ke arah itu. Saya harap kalini bukanlah hangat-hangat tahi ayam saja. Ehem. Saya mahu galakkan Aidan terus makan jadi saya juga kenalah galakkan diri untuk terus bangun pagi dan rajin masak juga. Saya yakin, lambat-laun Aidan mesti nak makan. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan saya. InsyaAllah.
Semoga anak saya membesar dengan sihat dan menjadi anak yang soleh. Amin.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
When my baby refuses to eat!
Aidan tak nak makan most of the times for the past two weeks. In fact today, I bet he refused to eat at his babysitter's too. If you know him well, you must be worried. This is so not him. Tengoklah pipi bam bam dia. But then, as I said earlier, he refused to eat for these few weeks! Me, as his Drama Mama, has been saiko-ly depressed with his sudden refused-to-eat behaviour. I've been googling here and there and even has brought him to his paed. I was told by his paed that he is just fine, active and happy. In fact he gained another kilo in 3 months, but none has conviced me he is doing fine.
Until today, when I stumbled into this blog and found a few serious good articles. Damn good that make me calmed and convinced enough. And the best part is when the article said, a toddler gains only a kilo per year on average. So what's all the fuss Drama Mama when he is gained a kilo in 3 months. Duhh!
So if you have the same problem with me, dont worry (though I was one saiko mummy before) much. What you need to do is just sit and read these articles. It explains very well that will make you understand much of your baby whole eating dramas.
Phewww. I can now rest my case and stop being dramatic too. LOL!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Of Aidan's tantrum
But that day, Abah was totally gone mad and made Aidan crying non-stop dengan kuatnya. Kind of showing off his tantrum as well. Lelaki kan ego. Tak gitu? So, I quickly held him in my arms and tried to console him. He refused at first but when I talked slowly like whispering to his ears while held him tightly, he was calming down then. I told him that he did something wrong that made Abah scolded him and Abah scolded him because he loves him so much. I also warned Aidan not to do it again. He was nodded every single thing that I said as if he understand. Then, I relieved when he stopped crying after that.
But then, after 5 mins, he did it again. Slap on my forehead. Penat mak berleter uols. Hahaha. Well, I dont expect him to understand pun. Dia kan baru setahun jagung. Nak suruh duduk pun sebut 2-3 kali. LOL! I just feel good because I did another approach rather than pukul Abah konon-konon Abah yang salah marah Aidan to make him calm. That is my big No-No.
Haih. Anak..Anak. But who said raising a child is easy pun kan?
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Everytime when I'm folding the clothes, I MUST scattered the clothes into several groups; which are Aidan's clothes, Hubby's and mine, and the spentots. I just cant fold it WITHOUT scattering the clothes first. I will fold Hubby's and mine first, then only Aidan's and spentots. Kalau saya tak ikut turutan, jiwa akan kacau. Saiko much? Hahahaha
Every week, when I'm cleaning the house, I MUST start with the kitchen. Once kitchen done, then only I can clean the living room and bedrooms.
Susunan baju dalam almari haruslah sama. Like t-shirts must be all t-shirts which have the same folding shapes. T-shirts with other folding shapes are kept on another row. Same goes to seluar, etc.
Kalau jemur baju or gantung baju guna hanger, I will make sure setiap jarak antara hanger adalah hampir sama. Kalau hubby yang jemur, aku sakit mata. Dah laa campur2 kejap hanger baju besar, kejap hanger baju Aidan. Tapi sebab dia yang jemur, aku buat-buat tak nampak dan avoid myself to stare. Sebabnya kalau aku betulkan maknanya aku adalah freak like Emma. Hahaha.
Setiap susunan yang aku buat, I hate it kalau people change it. Contoh kalau itu rak pinggan, senggat yang ke lima adalah pinggan leper yang besar, jangan sekali-kali cuba letak mangkuk kat senggat yang situ. Aku mesti rasa nak marah dan betulkan sambil membebel sendirian. Aku tak boleh. Dapur adalah tempat sensitif aku. Hehe. Dan aku pantang dapur sepah sebelum masak. Nak masak kene dapur bersih. Baru jiwa tenang. Kalau jiwa kacau macamana nak masak?
And the list goes on. Is it normal or is it actually called routines/attitude/behavior? Dont tell me I'm a saiko coz I'm not! LOL.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Hubby's Birthday
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The cupcake. |
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Sup Ekor!! |
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1) Potato Salad 2) The to-die-for Ribs 3) Pink Guava Juice |
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Us in White ;) |
Happy 28th Birthday.
I pray for your good health so that we can do jogging while strolling Aidan at the park.
I pray for your prosperity. With that, I hope I can have a maid to do the ironing and cleaning the house. ;p
I pray for your success to achieve all your dreams.
I pray for your happiness and ours, having more kids and live happily ever after.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Safety Harness
But since kat Malaysia ni not many people used it and some may even think like "macam bawak pet", mestilah macam pelik je bila kitorang pakai. Wahaha. Actually, saya pun tak berapa nak gemar. Tapi sebab saiko, have to gunalah. Untuk tak nampak sangat weird, kitorg pegang the strap dan pimpin tangan Aidan. Just to make sure, in case budak ni terlepas, at least I have the strap untuk stop dia daripada lari ke mana-mana. Especially in a crowded place.
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The baby that wears a cow ;D |
So what say you mommies and daddies. Will you buy this safety strap?
Thursday, May 10, 2012
No more BF-ing!
I didn't plan actually. I was not feeling well that day; fever, sore throat, and flu. I went to the clinic and eat some meds. But I totally forgot to tell the doctor that I'm still BF. So I didnt dare to BF him. Later in the evening, when he asked for t****, I quickly put some colgate on the nipple. And it works. He refused to BF since then. Dah macam fobia pulak dengan rasa mint. LOL! I never thought it is that simple.
To make more surprise, he didnt wake up in the middle of the night asking for susu anymore. Now both of us can sleep well till morning. That's good. So the next thing in my mind is to teach him to sleep on his own. Hehe.
I told my mom about this. She was surprised on how things went so easy. I feel blessed sebab segalanya dipermudahkan. And god heard me. Alhamdulillah. My mom even said, it's good for me too. No more waking up at night, no more BF-ing and teaching him to sleep on his own; I can have a good rest and get my body prepared before the next pregnancy. Haha. Ok this is not going to be so soon. Kalau ada rezeki, next year baru kita beroperasi ye. InsyaAllah. :)
P/S: Lesson learnt from weaning off is kena pump sehari sekali ye. Saya pandai sangat sampai hari first merana sebab bengkak. Haha.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Aidan: 21 months
After 21 months, last night was my second time waking up at 4am preparing for Aidan's formula milk. I think both of us are ready to totally wean off. It's almost there I can say. Bittersweet feeling :(
At this age, Aidan always makes us laugh. He talks a lot more but still on his alien language. We can only understand some. The rest, only alien knows it. LOL! He likes to sing too and that makes him look even more cuter. ;p
I think he can understand the cartoons story line thus that makes him stuck on TV for his favorite cartoons. Boboiboy still at the top rank. He added more cartoons in the list, such as Pororo and Banana in pyjamas.
Oh Oh and last night was funny. Kitorang pergi shopping groceries kat Giant. Masa shopping, saya saja pura-pura say babai. Konon-konon nak blah. Sekali tu dia nangis gila. Haha. Then, hubby try to look at his reaction kalau dia buat. Tapi kasihan. Aidan tak nangis kot. Siap cakap babai and wave. LOL! I know it. Aidan loves me more ;p
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Our Trip: Genting Highlands
We went there on Sunday morning, two days before the Labour Day. The weather was nice. Alhamdullilah. Saya berdoa siang malam kot, jangan hujan untuk dua hari tu. Hehe.
The last time I went there was ages ago, about 5-6 years ago. So I was expecting something new at the theme park. But, nah. Most of the games are still the same and some looked rusty and old. If you have been to Gold Coast (Movie World or Dream World), USS, or even Disneyland, Genting Theme Park is just a small piece of those mentioned theme parks. But afterall, we did have fun too. Especially hubby and that little boy.
Hubby bought the outdoor and indoor tickets. But we didnt even play any indoor games at all. Such a waste. So the tips here. Buy the outdoor tickets first, then only you buy the indoor one if you think necessary. The games are so similar to the outdoors, mind you. The tickets are all day passes. So you can get in and out sesuka hati as long as you have the tagged on your wrist.
Now, let the photos tell the story.
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Bukti budak kecik mengamuk! |
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Genting Sky Diving. Passed! |
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Deluxe Room, Theme Park Hotel |
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Kasi pose ala-ala honeymoon gitu! ;p |
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Of Farewell Dinner
Hubby decided not to join as he wanted to do some jogging & training. So that would be only me & Aidan enjoying the dinner. Lately, I have this confidence to go out alone with Aidan because he is quite behave and doesn't require much attention. Going out with a baby is much more difficult cause baby has to be fed or nursed on time. Else, you have to bare the consequences. Unlike a toddler. You can just feed him whatever that you eat and when he eats or drinks, usually he wont ask for susu anymore. That is easy! ;D But, provided that I have these two essentials; Stroller & Ipad. Or I prefer not to go out. Haha.
Back to the story..
The first one hour, he was quite behave playing his Ipad. I was really enjoying my food and chit chatting. But the next 30 minutes, he has started to be bored. Trying to go out from his high chair. I could sense his interest towards the small pond besides our table. But being me, I wont let him go. Mahu dia terjun dalam tu. I asked the waitress for balloons. He ok with that. Leka for a while when we were enjoying the dessert. Then, he got cranky at the end. Only I knew when there was a flying menu landed in the pond! Hah. Amik! Hahaha.
Dengan muka tebal, I have to ambil the menu yang dah lencun and passed it to the waitress. I overheard the waitress said "Alamak, dia baling dalam kolam!" LOL! Terima kasih anak. You're such a lovely boy! T_____T
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Kitchen Rule: Creme Caramel & Beef Lasagne
Harini, saya teringin makan dessert. Lepas tengok-tengok resepi, saya boleh buat caramel saja. Dah lama saya tak buat. The last time was ages ago, back in uni. Ya, semua activity memasak adalam masa zaman belajar. Hehe.
Resepi Creme Caramel ni daripada kawan saya. Dulu, kalau dia buat sekejap je dah habis. Kami satu rumah tak leh stop makan. Sedap dan mudah. Kalau ada tetamu di rumah, boleh masak Cream Caramel as dessert. Provided that you have a big oven. Kalau oven rumah saya ni, setakat makan dua orang bolehlah. Huhu. Tak sabar nak pindah rumah next year.;D

Creme Caramel
75g white sugar *for the caramel*600ml fresh milk
6 eggs
75g castor sugar
2-3 drops of vanilla essence
1) Caramel : Put the white sugar and 2tbs of plain water in the pan with slow heat. Mix it slowly until the sugar turns brown. Kemudian, tutup api, then tuang 2tbs of hot water. Mix it faster and terus letak kat dalam baking pan
2) In another big bowl, stir eggs and caster sugar sampai gula larut.
3) Heat the milk in another pan with slow heat. Tapi make sure jangan sampai didih. Make it warm only
4) Then, pour the milk in the bowl yang dah ada egg aand sugar tadi. Kacau perlahan.
5) Letak 2-3 drops of vanila essence in the bowl
6) Then you can pour the ingredients in the baking pan yang dah ada caramel tadi.
7) Bake it in the oven with double boil *letak air kat another tray, then only you put the baking pan on top of it* for 1 and a half hours at 170c
Happy trying beautiful people! ;)
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Sayang Mama ;)
The other day, the babysitter told me that he spontaneously said "Sayang Mama" when he saw an advertisement on TV. Since then, the babysitter taught him to say it again. So now, he knows how to say it. I feel like crying when I heard "Sayang Mama" for the first time. Sobs.
He has this one good habit to salam abah before he goes to sleep. Usually, after I prepare his milk, I will say to him, "Aidan, time to sleep!" then he will stop playing, quickly lari terkedek-kedek to Abah and salam. Last night, he could even say "Good Night" to Abah. Hehehe. Drama Mama! Aidan cakap Good Night pun sebak. ;p
My baby is a big boy now!! Sobsss...
Monday, April 9, 2012
My new hobby
The other day, my friend suggested to play painting with Aidan. Since he likes drawing, so I was excited to give it a try. So the day when we were painting together, I just found out that he doesnt like painting. It's either he's not up to that level or he really doesn't into painting, I'm not sure. But that day he's more into main pedang-pedang using the brushes. Sabo jelah mak! Well boys, what should I expect rite? So, that's the end of the mommy-son painting story.
A few weeks ago, me and hubby had a short discussion on Aidan's birthday theme this year. It's going to be zoo/safari theme. Anything related to animals as Aidan loveeeeees animals these days. When we have set the theme, as usual, Mummy went crazy. Keep on googling on safari/zoo birthday party. There are so many pretty things for the party, from the cake, decos, costumes, etc.
When it comes to cute animals deco, I got the idea to do some DIY. So, here I found my interest in painting! I never thought that it is fun to do some painting for Aidan's birthday party decos. I know it's still too early, but knowing me who is not talented and creative, I need lots of time to do it. In fact, I want to take my own sweet time, enjoying every little moments doing the DIY decos. Hehe. Now, I can call painting as my new hobby. Yeay me!
While doing the DIY project, I got the idea to do the animal masks. So mak punyalah semangat buat zebra mask.
Aidan nangis bila tengok zebra mask mak ni! Kecik ati ko! hahaha. Dia punyalah takut. Ingatkan dia ni memang penakut. Rupanya, bila mak post kat fb, kawan-kawan mak semua cakap, SERAM GILA mak punya zebra mask! LOL! Sabar ok Aidan. Your mom masih amatur. Tak ghoti nak painting-painting bagai. hihi

And below is my 2nd attempt that I did last night. Better. Aidan tak nangis tapi still takut!! Memang dasar penakut anak bujang aku ni. Heh. Sabo jelah.

Friday, April 6, 2012
What a day..
Afterall today is not that bad. For what I've been through today;
1) Waiting for the report from country from morning. Managed to get at 8pm.
2) The report was incorrect. Adjusting for like 5 times.
3) Hubby is not around tonight. He has dinner with the client.
4) Had dinner at 9pm and it was only Maggi.
5) I scolded Aidan for few times because he disturbed me while I was doing my work. I am bad:(
6) He only went to sleep at 11pm after I finished with my work.
7) I didnt go to pasar malam for groceries. Sobs.
Wish tomorrow for a better day. Maybe a red handbag can make me happy. LOL!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
A toddler!
Mummy: Aidan, do you want a baby sister?
Aidan: Nanak! *sambil marah-marah*
Mummy: LOL! But she will be a very cute sister and she can play with you.
Aidan: *bolayan sambil baca buku*
Aiyooo! Macam mana ni? Hehehhe

I never thought that raising a toddler is super fun though it's handful. I love to have a mummy-son conversation these days as he knows how to respond. Even sometimes he will call me "Mama..blablablabla *talking-alien-language*" I might not know what he is talking about but I know he is telling me something. Cuteness!
Aidan likes to mimick on whatever that I say. The other morning when I said, "Aidan, quick!" Then, he ran towards me and said "Kik Kik" Haha. He also remembers a lot of songs especially the phonic songs, animal songs, etc. He might not know how to sing the whole song correctly, but I can hear he pronounced some words clearly. Like the phonic songs,
Mummy: Aa Aa
Aidan: E-pool *Apple*
Mummy: Be be
Aidan: Ball
Mummy: C*ke* C*ke*
Aidan: Tet *Cat*
and so on until Ge Ge, he will say *Go-illa* with L pelat macam nak terbelit lidah. That is super cute!

Toddler banyak keletah. Seronok bila main sekarang ni. But as I said, it is not only fun but also a handful one. It's tiring when he needs my attention most of the time. It's stressful when he refuses to eat and being so picky. I have to urut dada when he messes all around the house. And the list goes on. As MIL always reminding me, being a good mother requires a lot of your patience. So Mummy, chillax la. Take a deep breath dan urut dada!
So, are you ready to have another baby Mummy? Hahaha
Friday, March 16, 2012
Cherating, A great weekend getaway.
I love vacation! Who doesnt right? Hehe.
Co-pilot seriously looking at the GPS and Google Maps;p
A vacation will be super great if you can find yummy foods. We did found some by friends recommendation and internet review. So far, with the power of GPS and Google Maps, we didnt get lost. So happy tummy, happy us!
The first place that we went is the Warung Otak-Otak Che Wan. This stall sells yummiest sata ever. But I dont really like the Otak-otak tho. Their keropok leko also sedap gile I tell you and some other foods as you can see from the picture above.
We did have dinner at Restoran Matahari, near Residence Inn Hotel. If you never heard of this restaurant, you wouldnt know the existance. Sedikit ceruk and lengang coz only foreigners and those that stay nearby the restaurant would go here. But as I said earlier, with the power of GPS and Google Maps, you will never get lost to this place. Go try the Ikan Bakar. The best, I tell you. Tomyam and Kailan Ikan masin also sedap. No photo for the food, as we were so hungry by that time. Nampak food terus terkam. LOL!
The breakfast also yummy and cheap. But I dont know where my PIL bought it. They just tapau-ed and we ate at their apartment. 5 Nasi Lemak, 5 Nasi Dagang, 2 Laksam, and 5 ketul ayam bakar, and 3 keping roti canai, only cost us RM50. Perghhh. Heaven!
That was our super best trip by far. Except the Karak Highway which I feel like riding the roller coaster, everything else was great.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Virus & Dangerous People
I am so relieved. I feel like I have fulfilled part of my responsibilitis in raising him up. As the optional jabs & vaccins are not covered by the company, getting all the jabs & vaccins really burnt my purse. Sometimes, it is not easy to choose between the jabs/vaccins and shopping,vacation or etc. Nevertheless, I have to be grateful coz I can still afford it. Alhamdulillah.
I wish that government subsidise these optional jabs & vaccins especially Rotavirus vaccins and Pneumocoaccal jabs. I know these are expensive but these vaccins & jabs are important. There are lots of death casses because of this virus. Even if your baby took the vaccins, it wont be guaranteed that he will be 100% exceptioned from the virus, but at least it wont be as bad as the baby that is not vaccinated.
There was a time where Aidan got Rotavirus infection from the other toddler from the babysitter's house. Since he was vaccinated, he only got a mild infection unlike the toddler. He was not only vomitted but also had dirrhea. He loss several kilos in just a week sampai semua tegur he was kurus and he even spread the virus to me! I dont mind to be sick, but I can't stand to see him sick. I guess all mothers would understand me. Seriously break the heart kan? Sobs.
On a another note, did you hear the news aboyt a 5-year old girl that has been burnt to death? Astaghfirullahalazim. This is seriously a nightmare! I dont understand why people are so cruel these days. Apalah dosa budak 5 tahun sampai nak kena bakar kan?! Sigh.
From the viruses to the dangerous people that we have right now, I am wondering whether our beloved country is safe enough to raise our kids? Let this be a reminder to us parents. May Allah protect us from harm and danger. Amin.
Friday, March 9, 2012
I hate speech!
Back to the story. So that will be his 1st presentation to the BODs and CEOs of the company before approving the loan application. When he started to talk and talk, I was impressed with his words. How smooth he can talk without having a script. Gosh! Kalau saya, ayat sumpah terabur. I am no good in presentation nor public speaking. Seriously. No wonder I am still an accountant not a manager. LOL!
I dont know why I have this problem. Since I was a kid, I always entered story telling competition, debating, public speaking, etc which required me to talk in front of others. But I still have this kind of super nervous feeling when talking formally to others. Even though, I have been practising, bila present sure mesti tergagap. I personally think that I have lack of confidence. Lack of the knowledge confidence, self confidence, etc. Which I always tell hubby to buy me my dream handbag to boost my self confidence. *kih kih*
And this coming weeks, I'm going to conduct an education to my country people from Philippines and Indonesia. Though, I have another 2 weeks to prepare, but I can feel the butterflies in my stomach. Which reminds me "Go practise lah lady!"
Wish me luck! ;D
Monday, March 5, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
Cooking Time

Go healthy life y'all!
p/s: I just wonder how some people can snap picture everytime before they eat. Me, always forgot to snap one when I see food! Lol.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
The angels;)
We were kaki ponteng prep, kaki fly, kaki datang kelas pukul 8 pagi, kaki anti Lembaga Disiplin Pelajar, kaki selalu kena denda ketuk ketampi sampai ketar2 lutut nak turun tangga. Hahaha Lots of good memories in a bad way to be remembered.
Now after 10 years, we turn to be the angels. Kami sudah jadi isteri orang, mak orang, tunangan orang, lemah lembut, dan penyanyang. Haha
Thanks to the supportive hubbies too for joining us and make it even more wonderful;) And thank you guys for being my angels all these years!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Another resolution
Seriously 43 days is a lot man! And this year I have no excuse anymore coz I have started wean off Aidan. So no pumping session already. But yeah, afterall I need to finish it jugak.
I just pray silently that my 2nd pregnancy (InsyaAllah) tak kena bulan puasa. Tak larat betul berhutang puasa banyak-banyak. Semoga dipermudahkan. Amin.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Of Aidan Favs & Interests
1) Cartoon: His fav cartoons are Special Agent Oso and BoboiBoy. The only TV shows that he can sit and watch till the end. Kalau yang lain, hadap 5 minit bosan dah.
2) Sports: Ball and Swimming. Being a boy, you dont have to teach him to kick the ball and play with it. Tiba-tiba je, dia tahu main. Like seriously. But whether he is a kaki and tangan bangku like me, I'm not sure yet. Doa-doalah Aidan, hang dapat gene Abah hang. Haha. While swimming is his all time fav. Pantang nampak kolam, memang nak terjun sampai Grandma terpaksa kuburkan niat nak buat fish pond sebab takut Aidan terjun. Haha. Well, since he is very into swimming from baby, we plan to enrol him to the swimming class. But this shall be delayed for at least few months or till end of next year as we have been obliged to the biggest commitment at the moment. Moga-moga dimurahkan rezeki lebih tahun ini. Bolehlah enrol for lil swimmers;)
3) Gadget: Kids nowadays and gadgets. Tak payah ajar, he knows how to use some apps in Iphone or Ipad already. Since he got his Ipad, Iphone macam bolayan sikit. He loves animal apps too bits. Lepas tu sibuk ajuk bunyi dog, gorilla, etc. Hehe. So cute;)

4) Food: He loves lemak labu and ikan merah goreng very much. Kalau masak lemak labu, boleh mintak tambah nasi ok. Dishes lain yang Aidan suka are curry, oats and fruits, and seafood olio. Tapi lately, budak ni memang selera besar pun. Kadang-kadang dia yang tak sabar nak duduk dalam high chair, nak makan dinner. Tak menyempat. T_______T
5) Drawings: I think he likes drawing (more to menconteng) too eversince we bought him crayon and drawing paper. I like it when he comes to me just to show what he is drawing sambil berceloteh. So cute lah. Hehe
6) Music and Dancing: This boy kan, sometimes can be hyper. He will sing and dancing and bergendang non-stop. Like seriously. Dah laa nyanyi guna bahasa alien. Sumpah tak comel sebab bingit gile. Haha. Sabor jelah.
7) Real Animals: I think he has love and hate relationship with cats. Dari jauh sibuk panggil, tapi bila dekat siap peluk kaki Mama sebab takut. Haha. I dont understand why lah he is so takut with binatang berbulu. Tak faham mak! Nasib baik tak takut kat abah. Kah Kah.
Let's see which of his favs and interests that will stay. Till then. ;)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Azam Tahun Baru.
Since hubby is actively involved in Marathon nowadays, semestinya saya terasa a bit tergugat. Mana boleh dia healthy sorang-sorang. Saya pun nak sihat. Kurus tak semestinya sihat. I had high cholestrol though in 2008. Seriously scared. Tapi takut jelah. Makan tetap tibai semua benda. Haha. And today, I did the health screening again. Let's see the result in 2-3 weeks time whether I'm healthy or not.
So now, here's the plan. Every weekend, I'm going to wake up early and have a good 2-3km jogging. Itu azam jelah. Tak tahulah kalau hangat2 taik ayam pulak. Haha. Mana tahu lepas ni, I posted a photo joining a marathon pulak kan. Jangan terkejut plis. ;p
Wish me luck!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Tua Setahun Lagi.

My dear wifee,